ioguix' README

29 March 2011 5 comments

Let's play with PostgreSQL network dumps!

A bit more than a year ago, I start messing with tshark pdml output to be able to extract queries from a network dump. As I was writing a PoC, I did it in PHP, before moving it quickly to a more appropriate language: Perl.

As it was relying on tshark, I called it « pgShark ». pgShark worked and was useful a couple of time, but had some drawbacks:

So I decided to rewrite it from scratch using Perl and the Net::Pcap module.

Why Perl? First, probably the most frequent reasons people are using Perl are: portable and fast about parsing data. Then, I discovered the useful Net::Pcap module, directly binded to the libpcap. And finally, I wanted to learn a bit more about Perl than just quick scripting and I needed a challenging project :)

At first I wanted a very simple program, dealing with frontend messages only and using a plugin architecture to process them and output useful and various informations. But then, I realized it could go way further, crazy ideas about plugins popped up and I realized that I had to support the whole PostgreSQL’s protocol, not just a small part of it.

The project started in early February 2011 and eat all my open source related personal and professional time until now. I finally managed to add the last missing PostgreSQL messages on Monday 28th march. I guess the pgShark::Core module is now stable enough to focus on plugins. I’ll have to split this project in two pieces at some point and release this core on its own.

One of the most exciting plugin is “Fouine”. Yeah, if you know pgFouine, you understand this plugin’s purpose (and if you don’t, here is the pgfouine project). Having Fouine as a plugin of pgShark has many advantages. One of the most important one is the ability to extract way much more statistics from network. Think about errors, notices, session time, busy ratio, amount of data per sessions, connections statistics, you name it…

Another really important point is that you don’t need to tweak your PostgreSQL log behaviour. No need to log every query, no need to change the log_line_header parameter or using syslog if you don’t want to. You just leave your PostgreSQL configuration the way you love it. Even better: working on network dumps means you can snif anywhere in between the frontend and the backend, having 0% performance penalty on your PostgreSQL box.

Check the existing plugin from the pgshark repository:

The plugins are all in alpha development stage and need some more work for accuracy or bug fix, but they already spit some useful datas!

Here is my TODO list for plugins:

I have another really useful plugin idea, but really challenging. Hopefully I’ll be able to start it and blog about it soon! However, I suspect I’ll have to take some of my time on phpPgAdmin very soon, as I was pretty much idle on it for a while now and stuff are staking on this TODO list as well.

Don’t forget the pgShark’s home: Stay tuned!

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bma reply
Thu, 31 Mar 2011 05:47:36 +0200

Have you seen OmniTI’s “pgsniff”? It uses Perl + pcap to sniff the network of active db connections. I’ve played with it a couple of times recently and it looks pretty interesting.

Jehan-Guillaume (ioguix) de Rorthais reply
Thu, 31 Mar 2011 15:39:21 +0200

@bma: yes, I heard about this project, but unfortunately after I started mine…

It look like an interesting project as well. However, as far as I can see, it doesn’t go as far as I want in its output.

However, I probably have some things to learn from this project about code and Perl-isms :)

bma reply
Sat, 02 Apr 2011 18:02:41 +0200

I’ve played around with your tool and it works really well. One option that pgsniff has is that is allows you to specify a format where it prepends the log_line_prefix to the output, which is useful when you are trying to get timestamps or to feed the output file into pgfouine itself.

Nice work on this!

Jehan-Guillaume (ioguix) de Rorthais reply
Mon, 18 Apr 2011 20:38:38 +0200

@bma: Thank you !

This is a nice idea to add a line prefix option. I’ll put this on the TODO list.

Jehan-Guillaume (ioguix) de Rorthais reply
Tue, 24 May 2011 07:56:12 +0200

@bma: Check out the git repository and README, I just added the --line-prefix option to the SQL plugin.